Li Moon Biography
Li Moon was born on 30 March 1995 in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. She is now 25 years old.
Her height is 5 ft 2 in (157 cm) & weight is 88 lbs (40 kg) & hair color is blonde.
Li Moon is an unverified member of Phub. She has 11k subscribers on there.
She joined there 1 year ago & already gained 1 million views on there.
Li Moon’s real name is Anna. Anna is very famous on social media.
She has 45k followers on Instagram. Her Instagram account name is xlimonade.
And she has 35k followers on Twitter. Her Twitter account name is @xlimonade1.
You need to be 18+ years old to visit her social profile. Let check Li Moon’s beautiful cute photos.
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